
Aside from having access to a dedicated dog training facility, you will also have access to:
Use the Club grounds and facilities to practice training and free run your dogs outside of training classes.
Club run Members days and Open Obedience & Rally O Trials twice yearly.
Join the Agility Training group.
Use the Rally O course (Sundays and Wednesday nights only).
The following are only available during Club Hours on Training days:
Club Store where you can purchase collars, leads, Club apparel, dog training accessories, doggy treats and more.
Club Shop which sells cold drinks, rolls and hot food plus a few sweet treats to keep the energy levels up!
Free tea and coffee in the Clubrooms.
Join (New) Renewal
$30 $25
$70 $45
$60 $40
$95 $65
$85 $55
Junior (Under 18 years)
Single (Concession)
Family (Concession)
Training Ticket
New Members
Prior to attending the Club to successfully register as a new member, please ensure you complete the following checklist:
Provide a valid Vaccination Record when registering to prove your dogs vaccinations are up to date.
Puppies should be fully vaccinated and at least 12 weeks of age.
Decide which day is your preferred training day. After registration all new members will be required to attend a First Day Members class which is held on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Download and complete the Application for Membership form or collect one from the Club.
Arrive at the Club at least 30 minutes prior to class to give yourself plenty of time to complete registration and allow your dog to settle down. There are dog pens and posts where you can secure your dog while you register as dogs are not allowed in the Clubrooms.
Please note memberships cannot be refunded or transferred.
The Club will issue you with a renewal notice with your membership details and the cost to renew. Please check this information is correct and return it to the Club in person or by mail with your dogs current up to date vaccination record and payment so we can issue a new membership card.
Club Rules
The following local rules are in addition to those required by Association Incorporated legislation (see About Us page).
Members are ultimately responsible for their dogs at all times.
Membership badges must be worn whilst at the Club.
Dog droppings must be picked up and placed in the bins provided.
Members must ensure their dogs are on lead when entering or exiting the grounds.
Bitches on heat (in season) are not permitted under any circumstances whilst in season. If you are unsure if your dog’s in season ask your Vet.
Dogs running free on grounds are not permitted during training times unless requested by your instructor.
Children are the responsibility of their parents and must be under control and supervised at all times whilst at the club. No children are permitted to run inside or outside the Clubrooms.
Dogs are not to be tied to the veranda during training sessions however chains can be found in the designated area for you to secure your dog.
Cars with trailers may only use the designated car parking area specified by signage. Only cars with the official disabled parking tag may park in the designated disabled parking area.
On occasions the Club's representative will take photos/videos of members and their dogs for promotional purposes. The Club reserves the right to publish them but you may elect not to have any name under your membership recorded with the photo/video by advising the Club on your membership form.
Use of grounds outside of training hours
Members are ultimately responsible for their dogs at all times.
Membership badges must be worn whilst at the Club.
Dog droppings must be picked up and placed in the bins provided.
Dogs must remain on lead when entering the grounds until they reach the end of the veranda.
Members must check with other members present if your dog is welcome to run free with theirs.
Training ring users must limit their use if other members are waiting to use them.
Members must not let their dogs off the leash to free run if they cannot ensure their dog will not disrupt other dogs including those in the training rings. Nor should they let their dogs approach other dogs on leashes or secured to posts without prior permission from the owners.
Dog Breed Exclusions
The Club will not accept registrations of dogs legally declared dangerous, menacing or restricted breeds in Victoria.